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Hey Steve!

For this project, we were to analyze the movie Amelie and its use of color, lighting, narrative, as well as divergent/covergent thinking.

1. color - the property possessed by an object of producing different sensations on the eye as a result of the way the object reflects or emits light.

In Amelie, color is extremely important. It reflects the overall mood and emotion of the scenes throughout every shot in the movie. Throughout the film, the most used colors are red, green, and yellow.

green symbolizing mystery or wonder

red symbolizing love and passion

yellow symbolizing curiosity and restlessness

2. lighting - the arrangement or effect of lights.

Lighting examples can be the same pictures used before. The lighting is pretty consistent during the day and night, and is usually warm toned with a high contrast.

3. narrative - a spoken or written account of connected events; a story.

The plot is very linear and straight to the point but still very detail-oriented when talking about characters and their characteristics/stories. Most of the time, the story is seen through Amelie's perspective.

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